Monday, September 10, 2007

Lab in the mornings

The honours students in our lab have a history of working late into the night with no consideration for rest, sleep or recreation. It has become a tradition enforced by the fact that they have classes and other distractions caused by diurnal residents and visitors.

This means that they are usually busily crashing around the time we arrive in lab to begin our day, the debris of their nightly accomplishments strewn about the lab.

Which also means that sometimes my supervisor gets bored because there's no one around (I don't qualify as a full person in the morning). When he gets bored, and this is the only reason I can think of why he would mess around this way, he does things like this:


This morning he asked me for something that YC liked. An image or a figure of some sort. He pasted it there. I'm sure you can tell which are fly head drawings and which is his graffiti.


This is the picture of some female sepsid fly genitalia Nalini pulled out, microscoped, and drew as work for her MSc. A few days ago Supervisor (henceforth referred to as MOTU) said, "hey this looks like a gnome!" and proceeded to label the parts of the "face". (The illustration is supposed to be positioned sideways.)

The penciled labels from top down are: "Hat", "Face", "Mouth", "Stubby Arms", "Spilled Guts".

We can't wait for the day this is published so we can have people have hysterics over the picture.

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